By the Fright of the Silvery Moon

By the Fright of the Silvery Moon

Remember you can read the first two chapters of all of my books: The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, Best Left Buried, and Moonlight Can Be Murder on my home page. You can also listen to a sample of The Cemetery Club audio book and Grave Shift audio book on The fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery will be out […]

Bells, Four-Wheelers and Dreams

Bells, Four-Wheelers and Dreams

“I’ll be there with bells on,” Helen told me a few days ago, speaking about our upcoming Cozy Critique. Sure enough, she came in the door yesterday shaking a sack full of jingle bells. She was here with bells on! Let no one assume that just because we are crowned with silver, we are content […]

What Will Happen Next?

What Will Happen Next?

Unexpected things happen. As long as they are nice, pleasant or intriguing unexpected things, I like them fine. In cozy mysteries, when unexpected things happen, they usually are not so nice. Now, what a thing to do to Ned or Darcy or Flora! It’s good they are only fictional. When I wrote Moonlight Can Be Murder, I […]

No Matter Their Size or Shape, Grandmas Are Great

No Matter Their Size or Shape, Grandmas Are Great

My mother had several Bibles. Some, she used basically for reference or footnotes. One, she read every day. She carried a particular one to church each Sunday until the cover literally wore out then she began taking the Scofield Bible that Matt gave her. I find interesting things in her Bible, in addition to God’s […]

A Year’s Worth of Flowers

A Year’s Worth of Flowers

Remember the contest that will be going on for a while. Read yesterday’s blog for all the rewards, fun, and things. I love gifts that last, don’t you?Yesterday, my children gave me an early birthday gift. They bought flowers, containers, and dirt. They planted my container garden and the planters on the deck. They worked all day! Now my yard […]

Is There Something in the Wind?

Is There Something in the Wind?

As I look out of my window on the world, I see pale, new leaves of trees in stark contrast against a cloudy sky. The wind is moving those trees and it isn’t doing so quietly. Just between you and me, I don’t like to hear the wind blow. There’s something unsettling in it; something […]