Beautiful, Bountiful Books

Beautiful, Bountiful Books

Six of us gathered around the hundred-year old table yesterday for our time of critiquing. Fortified with coffee and cookies, we Cozy Critters enjoyed an especially hilarious two hours. I think we were glad to all be together again. Jane, fresh from her Chicago trip, had much to share. She read a recent poem, “The Longest […]

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…

It certainly was a dark and stormy night. It was also a bit sleepless  because I stayed awake watching the storms’ progress across the states into Arkansas. I’m thankful for our meteorologists who miss sleep to keep us up on what’s happening in the heavens that affects us here on earth. Last night, it was some pretty […]

Guilt and Unforgiveness

Guilt and Unforgiveness

Yesterday’s Sunday school lesson centered around forgiveness; at least that was my take-away from it. Esau and Jacob were twins but that seemed to be about all they had in common. You remember the story of how Jacob tricked Esau and also their father Isaac. As I read about the brothers reuniting after twenty years, […]

Head Down in a Well

Head Down in a Well

My publisher,Duke Pennell, sent me the audio version of Best Left Buried. I’m to listen and give him my opinion. It’s exciting to hear Michelle Babb’s voice, as Darcy, read the first chapter. Darcy Campbell and Cub Dabbins are investigating a mysterious package lying on a ledge deep inside an old, hand-dug well. As Darcy leans over […]

Happy Birthday, Will!

Happy Birthday, Will!

Although it isn’t conclusive, it is believed that William Shakespeare was born on this day, 1564. It is well documented that he died April 23, 1616. What a lot happened between those dates! The world of literature and, indeed, the English language is far richer than it would have been if that great playwright had […]

What Was on the Old Well?

What Was on the Old Well?

Gray, lowering skies this morning. Everything is still, waiting. Waiting for what? April showers? Spring thunderstorms? Another time, another place, Ned McNeil is waiting too. She’s waiting for deputy Gerald Mills to show up. You see, it is on a morning like this…well, not exactly like this, but it is April. However, the morning is […]