Such an absolutely beautiful Sunday morning! Not a leaf stirs as the sun dapples them with gold and shadow. On my neighbor’s driveway, a rabbit with wet feet stops and does a bit of drying off. Two squirrels chase each other around the maple. In the back yard, the little robin family is out for an […]
A View from the Top
The view from my 7th floor hospital room is quite nice. Rogers is spread out under me. On the interstate, cars are busily going here and there. People are starting a new day. I’m glad to be among them. Our hearts are wonderful things and when they are in sound working order, they run a […]

Flood Waters and Faith
·The sky is dark this morning. This type of weather might be thought of as foreboding or foreshadowing, especially for friends and family in Texas. High water there already and more rains coming for Texas. Heartbreaking pictures of animals trying to escape flood waters, taking refuge wherever they can, on porches, on tops of cars, anywhere higher […]

Happy Mentions
Tweets and twitters and they’re not even birds! However, they are music to my ears. And joyful. Two beautifully-worded mentions of two of my cozy mysteries: Special Novel Ties is a new site by Earl Chinnici. This is a fun concept Earl developed with a tie or something in common one book has with another. In The […]

Incredibly Creative Critters
Yesterday afternoon, after a pretty impressive thunderstorm, we Cozy Critters met once more. These friends never fail to amaze and inspire me. Carolyn is a a writer and an artist. She shared with us a graduation card she had painted and written for her grandson. This was top-quality stuff! Then, she read her work in progress, Silly […]

Little Things Mean a Lot
·Yesterday in Sunday School, someone brought me a picture. Just a simple gesture, a print he had run off his computer, but it was a picture of several of us who went to Ireland a couple of years go, including his wife and me. There we were, wearing coats against a stone wall of the […]