What do you do when pressures mount and you can’t Get Away From It All? Television news is depressing and scary, money pressures, health worries; sometimes it all gets to be a bit much and you want to run away somewhere but, for one reason or another, you can’t? You need a vacation! When you can’t […]

How Far Back Was That?
When I was a very young child, back in the days before television, what did we do for entertainment? At the end of the day when the chores were done, we gathered in the living room and Mom read to us. Believe me, nothing much beats sitting with Dad and my brothers and sister, a […]

How Firm Is the Foundation?
·If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? —Psalm 11:3 Before a builder builds a house, he pours a foundation. If the foundation is not solid, the house has problems. Sometimes, a foundation is firm to begin with, but, through the years, things happen. Water can seep in, causing cracks. A too dry climate […]

Lullaby of Raindrops
·A nice, gentle rain has been falling for hours. It’s hard to get up and get going when the morning is dark, thunder rumbles in the distance and raindrops are pattering a lullaby. Last night, Nemo, my camera and I prowled my back yard just before sunset. It was a study in light and dark. It is not […]

A Standing Up Girdle and Sitting Down Shoes
It’s a fact that many young women today have had no experience with girdles. Slips, half-slips, pantyhose are relegated to the archaic and looked on as artifacts of a by-gone age, an age where convention usually prevailed and comfort took a back seat. Time was when we got dressed up to go downtown. Can you […]

Wisdom in Short Supply
·“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). That pretty much sums up the Lord’s opinion of Atheists. But, here’s a question: if we ignore God’s laws and what He says is right or wrong, preferring to take some other person’s or group’s beliefs, aren’t we pretty much agreeing with […]