The Dog Walker just strode past my window, walking determinedly up the hill, a small brown and white dog trotting beside her. She has walked dogs for years and her lean physique attests to that. I’ve seen that same small dog for years too and he has lost weight, due, I’m sure, to those early […]

Victim Number Three
·Excerpt from Moonlight Can Be Murder. A sequel is in the works. A wind eddied through the building, flicking the newspapers and lifting the pages close to the candle. I had to get out of here, but how? I couldn’t reach the tape to peel it off my mouth and scream for help. My hands […]

Old Barns and Life
Last night as I sat on my deck listening to cicadas and frogs, I thought how many generations of my ancestors had heard these same night noises. These were age-old summer sounds: the jar flies as we called them, the frogs, a whole chorus of them. I felt as if I could close my eyes and be […]

The Way I See It
…may be different from the way you see it but then, that’s OK. This is America and we still have freedom of speech, don’t we? The English language is rich with meaningful words and phrases, but it’s easier not to hunt for them. Sometimes a catch phrase will become popular and it’s sort of like a […]

Peaceful Sunday
·If you haven’t yet subscribed to my Darcy, Flora, and Ned newsletter, you can do so by sending me an email at With each newsletter, I’ll give away a prize; there’ll be a recipe, publishing news, and other juicy tidbits. A squirrel came out of nowhere. He flashed in front of my field of vision in […]

A Special Place
Fran’s luncheons are always a special time and her house is a special place. I am convinced she and her husband have green thumbs because their front and back yards are a-bloom with flowers and vines. Inside the front door, a warm welcome meets each guest as friends call hello and Fran is ready with a warm hug. Today, […]