We’ve all heard, “Growing old is not for sissies.” Let me enlarge on that: “Writing is not for sissies.” Or, just about anything we want with our whole heart and have to work hard to get is not for the faint-hearted. We must have an inner core of firm resolve. Sort of like the […]

The Silver Moon Knew the Old Mansion’s Secret
The full, silver moon had looked down on some nefarious goings on at Granger Mansion, things that nobody else knew about…well, yes, maybe two other people knew and the dead man might have known, but he could never tell. Now, forty years later, someone is threatening the murderer. The secret should have been secure; but sometimes […]

This Thing Called Loneliness
Writing is an alone kind of business. It can’t be done while chatting with someone. However, a warm, friendly pup and several cups of hot coffee don’t hurt a thing. Some writers get away from it all by going to a cabin or the seashore while writing or to a different country while researching. I understand […]

The Neighborhood Alarm Clock Named Nemo
·Nemo sits looking up at me hopefully, short tail wagging, brown eyes beseeching. He has had food, bone, water, and gone out to do his duty. Now, why does he want to go outside again? Why, to bark, of course. He counts, among his many duties, alerting the neighborhood to the fact that it’s a new […]

Footprints We Leave Behind Us
Today is the birthday of Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women and many more classics. Miss Alcott wrote that she wanted to do something splendid that wouldn’t be forgotten. She certainly accomplished that! The footprints she left through her books are indelible. Her stories are warm and pleasant memories that have lasted more than a century. She […]

When the Earth Shifts
·When the earth shifts under your feet, what do you do? Who do you turn to? I hear a lot about earthquakes nowadays, those in Oklahoma where previously they were rare, those around the world causing tsunamis and devastation, and, of course, in California, people keep talking about the coming “big one.” The physical shaking […]