Happy January 2, 2017! There! That’s the first time I’ve written 2017 and it wasn’t hard at all. Now, if I can just keep doing that. I remember when the year 2,000 rolled around…for someone born in the sort-of-mid 1900s, that was hard to do. So, after that milestone, surely 2017 won’t be so difficult […]

New Year, New Guest Blog
Happy 2017, everyone! Exciting news! Sound the trumpets! Stop the presses! What? Am I overjoyed at the start of a brand-new year? Well, yes, but there’s more! This morning, I am happy to be the guest blogger at http://evelyncullet.com/blog/. Being Evelyn Cullet’s first guest of the New Year is quite an honor! Check out her attractive website. Evelyn is another cozy mystery […]

The Deed Is Done for One More Year
·The deed is done! Yesterday, I took down the tree and packed it and the ornaments away. All the Santa gourds are off the mantel to be replaced with just…gourds, no particular season. Nemo can return to his usual sunny self because the tree no longer covers one of his napping spots. Wreaths are down, […]

Of Squirrels and Chocolate Fudge
·Glancing out of my window at a movement across the street, I saw a squirrel galloping…not scurrying nor scampering, but in a full-fledged gallop toward the maple tree in my neighbor’s yard. His frantic pace was not the only thing different about the squirrel–the tip of his tail was white. Never, in all my years, […]

Encounter on an Icy Street
·Today, the temperature is shivering around seven degrees. The roads yesterday were slick and icy. They reminded me of the dangerous time in Ednalee, Oklahoma, when not only were the streets hazardous from the weather, they were life-threatening because of a kidnapper who was out to make Ned his next victim. And this was nearing Christmas too!Had […]

Fiddlin’ With the Facts
·Remember the old, black and white TV series, Dragnet and the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” This unflappable team of Jack Webb and Harry Morgan spent a whole thirty minutes ferreting out the bad guys and getting to the facts of the case. But, fiction writers can have fun fiddlin’ with the facts. In writing By […]