For two days only, December 17 and 18, that’s today and tomorrow, Ned McNeil and I will be offering Moonlight Can Be Murder as a free eBook on Amazon. Just click on this link: Moonlight Can Be Murder, and download. A strange homecoming, old friends, a crackling fireplace, a Victorian house bedecked for Christmas, a lost […]

Landscaping and Building and a Mystery
One of the many nice things about writing is that I get to go places and do things I could never do in real life. And, I get to live where I want, in the sort of house I like. When Darcy and Flora moved to their new home (Grave Heritage) I designed the […]

The Golden Light at the End of the Day
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in empty rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. Memories return […]

The Conclusion of the Drama of the Hurt Foot
·At long last, the three-week injured foot challenge has ended happily! Yesterday, Nathan and I took Nemo back to his doctor for the stitches to be removed from his foot. If you’ll remember, he had a small growth on his foot. He was sedated, the growth removed, the incision sewed up, but that was […]

Shadows on the Wall
Yesterday afternoon was a lazy afternoon at home. At loose ends after church and dinner with the family, I wandered into the front room and my old stand-by, the piano. It’s a friend I’ve turned to for many years. Digging some well-liked music from my piano bench, I sat down and played. Tunes have always […]