What does optimism have to do with frogs? It all depends upon the situation. I’ve posted this poem once before. I didn’t write it but for those of us needing to read something besides gloom, doom, agony, crying, and criticism, this probably bears repeating. Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl; One was an optimistic […]

At the End of a Windswept Day
I’m actually writing this Thursday evening, not Friday morning, although that’s when you’ll be reading it, probably. This has been a windswept day, pretty chilly, but what made it really nippy was an enthusiastic wind that enjoyed chilling the bones of anyone who got out in it. The sky looks so pretty this evening. It’s […]

A Cup, a Comment, and a Contest
Today, I am announcing a small contest which involves your comment and my cup. Read on. As I am finishing By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, I am more aware of something that I’ve suspected for quite some time: Manos Meadows Mysteries sometimes are not all that cozy. I mean, they certainly have their cozy […]

Monday Morning and a Mystery Solved
Yesterday morning and a small mystery: I was in the kitchen putting a quiche in the oven when I heard a loud, clanging bang. Was that the front storm door? Had I not fastened it well? As it turned out, it was the garage door. The cable that raises and lowers the door snapped and whacked […]

Staring into the Face of Evil
·Black hair threaded with gray, dark-eyed and with scruffy beards, these two stared down at me for several seconds before one of them spoke. “Miz McNeil?” asked the older gentleman. “Yes. Do I know you?” The man laughed, a sound like dry leaves crackling underfoot. “No, I doubt that you do or would want to. […]

A Cold, Dampish, Winter Day Warmed by Cozy Critters
·Yesterday was cold and dampish, the sort of day that made you want to come in by the fireside and sit down for coffee and cookies with friends. So, that’s what we did. In this, the first meeting of the critique group since before Christmas, all were present and accounted for. We had a lot of […]