Meditating can be good or it can be bad, but it’s important to remember where we’ve been. This post is from four years ago but I still meditate, ruminate, remember, and look back. Ruminating means about the same thing as meditating except that ruminating could refer to a cow chewing her cud slowly, swallowing, burping and […]

The Hope of Tomorrow
When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? Yesterday, I tucked another day away and put it in my box of memories. As the sun slid westward, people began returning home from work, the cardinal family came to the bird feeders for a bit of supper, and those busy squirrels, whose diet […]
The Intriguing Mystery of History
Old houses fascinate me. If they could talk, what stories they would tell of the people who have lived within their walls, of the good times and bad, of historic changes they’ve witnessed. Old houses are a part of history and I like to dig out the mysteries within them. For a time, quite a […]

Encouragement Turns on Full Force of Creativity
Encouragement Full Force: I absolutely love this book. It is interesting and well written, I hope to see more books in this series. I am going to purchase more books from the same author. When my publisher sent me an email with this review from someone who had read Moonlight Can Be Murder, my heart […]

The Sound of Rain and Coffee
·Rain is a possibility today; coffee is a certainty. However, the two go together like a hat and gloves, like Abbott and Costello, like friends and a cozy fireside. What could be better than a rainy day, a small blaze in the fireplace, and a chat with friends? My coffee maker I’d had for a few […]

A Fanciful Flight in Fantastic Proportions
I scooted away from the computer, stretched, and gazed out my window. The Irish Sea pounded against the rocky shore line, far below me. Gulls wheeled and cried and a brisk breeze moved the curtains. It was always a good feeling to finish yet another cozy mystery, a warm feeling, yet a bit lonely. The […]