Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? You might try it some time. The results could amaze you. People are always asking me, “Blanche, where do you get your story ideas?” I smile and say, “Oh, here and there, life, news stories, memories, wild imaginings.” But, that’s not actually the truth. I confess here […]

The Many Moods of Moonlight
·Moonlight! That mysterious lantern beaming down at us from above. I can hardly wait for you to see the cover of the newest Ned McNeil mystery coming out this year. I like it! It has, of course, the moon and guess what? There’s a circle around it. Now, we know a circle around the moon […]

Thoughts of My Sister
When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday, maybe it’s because those first flowers are so welcome after winter and are such a cheerful sight. My sister was a cheerful, upbeat, lovely person. Some people make the world a better place simply by being. […]

The Roaring of the March Lion
·Yesterday’s wind was a wild and restless thing, blowing clouds across the sky and roaring through the treetops, sounding like a celestial lion. The day was much too warm for March 6, and such weather makes me uneasy. From time immemorial, people have had to watch the sky for their safety during threatening weather. I […]

What’s With That Cold, Winter Sun?
·Moonlight can be deceptive, but so can sunlight. Yesterday, the sun and clear blue sky could have lulled an unsuspecting person into thinking the day was warm. But, nay and forsooth! Such was not the case. I lit the fireplace and each of the Cozy Critters came in wearing a jacket. As I thought, everyone […]

Moonlight Can Be Deceitful
·Moonlight lies like a blessing along the roof of the old church, silvering the dark shingles. Like solemn eyes, the windows reflect the still light. Trees, silent sentinels, stand guard over church and cemetery, nodding their heads as a breeze moves among them. Year after year, century after century, the trees watch and listen. Grateful worshipers, happy […]