My name is Penny. I am a cat. I live in a big Victorian house with a woman named Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil. Her friends call her Ned. She’s a nice woman, always makes sure my food dish doesn’t go empty and when she has ice cream, she shares it with me. I like living […]

What Under the Sun Did I Do?
·What under the sun did I do yesterday? Well, let me tell you. It was one of those beautiful early spring days, almost too perfect to be believed. It started mundanely enough with putting water in the bird baths, but it picked up after that. I ate BBQ lunch with my son and his family […]

Orange Rolls, Coffee, and Critique
Carolyn’s orange rolls caused quite a stir yesterday as we sat down for our critique. They tasted as good as they looked and, with coffee, were a delicious way to start our discussion. Carolyn wrote a clever poem about them. According to her poem, they involved “rising, punching down, dirtying up a mess of bowls.” […]

A Warm Morning Chat
A second cup of coffee, a warm, morning chat with friends–a good way to start the day. It’s cloudy, dampish, and chilly out and it’s hard to adjust to getting up a whole hour earlier. I wonder how many of us let Daylight Savings Time steal some of the joy from the morning? Sometimes, it […]

Winter’s Merry Last Fling
Actually, I don’t know if it’s the last fling or not, but winter certainly flung around some snow and sleet yesterday. It was such a nice Saturday!A really good rain all morning, lunch with family at a nearby restaurant, then home by the fireplace to read and watch a nature documentary. But, in the early afternoon, […]

Cleaning Out That Attic of Memories
·A friend of mine is getting ready to move to a different location. She is going through everything in her house, deciding what she wants and what she doesn’t want. I don’t think she has an attic, but if she did, she’d be sorting through it, keeping, discarding. Why can’t we do that with memories? Why […]