If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon is a very old song, recorded by Bing Crosby in 1947 and Frank Sinatra in 1949. It’s a song about trying to reach a dream, not quite getting there, but finding something else that is even more fulfilling. The point is to try. It was a great […]

Scientists, Doctors, Critics, Friends
·We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets! The Cozy Critters came yesterday in spite of a forecast for wicked weather. As it turned out, […]

Looking For Answers to Age-Old Questions
Many of us are searching for answers to age-old questions. Yesterday, I was privileged to hear Ken Ham, founder of AnswersinGenesis.org. Mr. Ham spoke at my church and I, for one, was mesmerized by what he had to say. The Creation story generates interest and the church was pretty well packed as we listened to […]

Stumbling Over Pride
·Why on earth would I be thinking about pride this early on a Friday morning when the weather is warm and thunderstorms are on the way? What does pride have to do with anything, anyway? And, more to the point, what, exactly, is pride? Thesaurus.com says pride is delight, dignity, ego, honor, happiness, and several […]

A Circle of Friends
I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago, but it’s still true. Since that time, things have changed some. One friend has gone on to Heaven; Fran has moved and Robbi hosts the luncheon friends, the Cozy Critters circle has lost a couple and gained a couple. The circle is truly elastic. Do I […]