When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. Or, better yet, make a decision. I hate hovering between two or more choices, don’t you? Yet, sometimes a choice seems impossible to make because I don’t know the outcome. Running in circles, screaming and shouting doesn’t help much, but that’s what comes to […]

What’s Hiding in Those Small, Dark Corners?
Another school year has drawn to a close. Teachers and students are cleaning out their desks, discarding some things, returning others, and taking home what’s left. I remember those days! But, what is hiding in those small, dark desk corners? In those far-off years of my girlhood, I actually sat at a wooden desk, the kind […]

A Noise in the Middle of the Night
·The noise jarred my eyes open. I gasped and sat up. The luminous dial on my bedside clock told me it was two in the morning. “Penny?” I muttered. “Did you knock something off a table?” But the little cat was not on the foot of my bed. As I listened, heart pounding, […]