Feeling out of sorts? Mad at the world? Blame that silvery disc way up there above us. It’s the moon’s fault. The moon has such a strong hold on the earth that it causes the ebb and flow of tides, but does it influence people? We are 50% to 75% water, so how could it […]
Under the Moon
The second of Ned McNeil’s moonlight mysteries, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, inspired this poem. What Lay Beneath the Moonlight by Blanche Day Manos An ancient church, deserted now, lay in a silv’ry light, Keeping watch o’er those who slept throughout the silent night. Did shadows move among the stones, was evil lurking […]
An Empty House
·The rain stopped and I turned off my windshield wipers. About halfway to Myra’s home, I realized no one in the whole world knew where I was and that was not a good thing. I speed-dialed Cade but got no answer, only his voice mail. Leaving a message, I told him where I’d be. Hopefully, […]

The Cornfield in the Moonlight
·The Cornfield in the Moonlight by Blanche Manos The cornfield in the moonlight, when the shadows dance and sway Is not the same at midnight as it is throughout the day. The field is hushed at midnight; the world has gone to sleep, But the cornstalks nod and rustle at the mysteries they keep. Who […]

An Unexpected Menace
I got out of my car. The place looked deserted but as I approached the nearer house, a tall, bony dog appeared around the corner. It growled. I stopped. The animal didn’t look in the least friendly. It bared its teeth, snarled and started toward me. Everything I had ever read about unfriendly dogs […]

Who Said Owls?
·Lying in bed that night with the breeze fanning my face, I began to relax. The cool air felt as soothing as my mother’s hand when, in younger years, I was sick with a fever. Sighing, I burrowed into my pillow. Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had […]