I never hear anyone whistle a tune any more. Do you? I used to whistle a lot. Now, something has happened to my whistler and I have a pretty limited range. Dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when I could hear my mother whistling an old song, […]
The “Ever After”
·I read a lot and a lot of what I read are cozy mysteries. I finished one a couple of days ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. The conversation sparkled. The protagonist was likable and the plot was not the usual one but it was intriguing. I liked this book so well that I decided to […]
The Raven’s Long Shadow
·“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” – Edgar Allan Poe. Long ago, I memorized The Raven. I was fortunate […]
The River’s Voice
·The river speaks with an angry voice this morning. It roars; it thunders. Covering highways, houses, fields, and trees, it crashes through the countryside, ruthless and unstoppable. We mere humans must get out of its way or perish. Most days, the river murmurs, a gentle stream, watering animals and crops. On most days, people enjoy […]

In the Midst of Glitter
·My street is dark this morning, colors are muted. Earlier, we had a bit of thunder and rain, and probably will have more today. My small Christmas tree on the porch glows brighter in the murkiness and the larger Christmas tree inside winks and blinks that it’s a special season of the year. Have you […]

Weather Person
·Does weather affect your moods or do you go sailing through the seasons undaunted by snow, rain, or cold? Do you prefer balmy temperatures year round and escape to sunny places when possible? Weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure may affect the way we feel–I think it’s interesting to look into that possibility. Does a […]