Susie Latty Day was born in 1906 and blessed this earth with her presence for ninety years but she never seemed old to me. She seemed always younger than springtime. Mom saw amazing changes during her lifetime, from horse and buggy transportation to cars and airplanes and rocket ships that went to the moon. Mom was the mischievous […]

Mothers, Moms, and Grandmas
·The dictionary defines “mother” as the female parent but mothers are so much more than that! Being a mother is the most rewarding, vital job in the world. Not only is it a job; it is a blessing. The first face a newborn sees is his mother’s. She is the one he first turns to […]

What Middle Ground?
·Looking back at yesterday’s posting about my dad, I notice I used absolutes a lot: always, never. He was that kind of person. He knew his mind, knew right from wrong and wasn’t into compromise. I did not have to guess about where Dad stood. As I listen and look at the world I live […]
A Page to Be Written
·The sun shining against my neighbor’s tree across the street mottles the trunk in gold light and leaf shadows. Around that trunk two small furry figures chase each other; round and round, nosing up the tree, nosing down, tails flicking. I wonder what the day’s plans are for these two squirrels? And at the end […]