I’ve lost something! I am embarrassed to tell you what it is because I should have kept it in a safe place and I thought I did. So, to help with the frustration, I’ve found a rhyme flitting through my head. Before I lose it too, I’ve captured it and put it on this page, […]

The Magic Wand of Time
·The morning is dark and cool. We’re under a tornado watch and a flood warning. Last night’s weather was wicked in many places and I haven’t yet heard of all the damage done in Oklahoma and other states. Sunday, as we drove to the cemetery for Decoration Day, we were amazed to see evidence of […]

A Memory of Yesterday
·As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]

And Invisible Visitor
·This is a re-print of a St. Pat’s Day post I wrote a few years back. It’s still a good memory for me. I hope you enjoy reading about an exciting leprechaun tale of a good many years ago. “God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can […]