Maybe I’ll find millions of dollars. Maybe the light will dawn in people’s lives and we’ll all get along with each other. Maybe the news coming from the television will be only good. And then, again…maybe not. This is the month of May and if you see a strange-looking but busy little insect this month, […]

Have You Seen the May Bee?
·This is the day the little May Bee flies forth and children (and some adults) will use him in their speech all day long. I’ve always pictured the May Bee as a small striped fellow, rather like a bumblebee who wears a happy grin and has transluscent wings the color of spring flowers. But then, […]

Are the May Bees Still Flying?
·May 1 was a day of maybes. It’s an equivocal answer to a difficult question. Are the May Bees still flying around? I ask, because, even though the month is drawing to a close, it seems to be an uncertain month for several reasons. Some things are not uncertain, though. May’s birthstone is still the […]
The Tornado That Destroyed a Town
Since it is the 98 year anniversary of the Peggs tornado, and although I re-published it last year at this time, I do so again today. For a time, I wrote feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press. On May 5, 1985, The Press published an article I wrote about the tornado that destroyed Peggs, […]