It’s confession time this morning, as I finish my first cup of coffee. They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. But, no more. Confessions magazines have gone the way of dinosaurs and World Book. My mother would never let me read one of those magazines, although they […]

Where Are You, Portia?
·They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more. When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would never let me read one, so I didn’t really know what was inside; I only knew it wasn’t […]

Confessions Served with Coffee
·They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more. Are confession magazines (we called them Confessions) now a thing of the past, folded for lack of readership? When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would […]