The ancient brick mansion looked as silent and still as a painting in the moonlight. Nothing and no one moved. But, the serenity of the Carver Mansion was only surface-deep. The secrets of the past had pervaded the estate, marking the inhabitant for terror or even murder. Was the tiny, fragile owner hallucinating when she […]

Release Day
·Release day for the third Ned McNeil moonlight cozy mystery. Is this the shiveriest one yet? Moonstruck and Murderous is now available as a Kindle on Amazon, as well as a print book. Just click on this link: The amazing cover picture to Moonstruck has a story of its own. The old house, […]

Any Moment Now
·Any moment now, Moonstruck and Murderous will be available on Amazon as a print book. The ebook will follow, a few days later. I’m waiting, checking Amazon, hoping. Evangeline Carver is a key character in Moonstruck. Ned likes her as soon as she meets her, but is there more about the elderly grande dame of […]

A Small Peek at Moonstruck
I had a feeling there was no use in responding to Miss Evangeline, because she was what my father used to call, “wound up.” She wanted me to listen, so that’s what I did. Without warning, she grabbed my arm. I jumped. She whispered, “Shh. What was that? Did you hear anything, Nettie?” Her grip […]

A House for Sale?
·In another life, I might have been a real estate agent. In another life, as an heiress to boundless wealth, I might have bought old houses, re-furbished them, and brought them back to their original splendor. But, in real life, neither of these things have happened. Go with me for a moment into the […]

Coffee and a Brand New Mystery
Rain tiptoed in some time this morning. I wouldn’t have known, but it left its footprints on my deck. Just a trace, a smattering, but the sky is still dark, so maybe there’s more to come. A portent of a wet Thursday? As I was writing the Ned book, you know, the one about that […]