November Morning

It is really looking like fall this morning. The maples in front and back yards are almost bare of leaves. Those that are left are a pale orange against the backdrop of dark limbs. The yard is carpeted in those leaves and this morning, they are soggy. Yes! We’ve had more much-needed, wonderful rain. I’m […]

November Already?

November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom.  Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. November’s full moon is the Beaver Moon. Fun Old […]

Unsung Heroines

Today, I’d like to offer an imaginary armload of flowers to the stay-at-home mom. In doing so, I do not, in any way, diminish the role of mothers who hold down an outside job and yet are successful in their primary role of being mothers. There are many women who handle both jobs efficiently. My […]

What Was That Dream?

A few years ago, I went through a period of recording a few of my dreams in a small notebook. These were actual night-time dreams. Psychoanalysts can decipher dreams but I am not into that. I’m sure you and I and all of us have had dreams that were interesting; some were scary, some were […]

White Flies and Ladybugs

White Flies and Ladybugs

The maple in front of my living room window is alive with activity–a breeze blows the orange and green leaves and two squirrels are busily looking for tidbits to munch on. I wish their diet included these tiny, white bugs that are falling out of the trees. I suppose they are a part of autumn […]

A Foreboding Time

It was a dark and foreboding time, a feeling that something really bad was about to happen. I remember that feeling well. It was the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. The United States discovered that Russia had missile bases in Cuba, with missiles fully capable of striking the United States. The two leaders of the […]