Merry Christmas! May the peace of candlelight, The warmth of firelight, And the love of Christ Light your life this Christmas and in the year to come.
What Do You Think?
·So, what do you think they are–those mysterious drones that are appearing in swarms over many of our northeastern states? Isn’t it strange that no one knows what their purpose is or where they came from? It seems odd to me that if anyone does know, they aren’t saying. That’s just one of the puzzling […]
Blame the Moon
Feeling out of sorts? Mad at the world? Blame that silvery disc way up there above us. It’s the moon’s fault. The moon has such a strong hold on the earth that it causes the ebb and flow of tides, but does it influence people? We are 50% to 75% water, so how could it […]
Neighborhood Owl
One of the things that’s so neat about this Arkansas town is that fields, pastures, and woods are just a block or two away, and oh, my goodness! I hope it stays that way. It seems that every time I look, another pasture has been gobbled up by “progress”. In just the time I’ve lived […]
Armistice Day!
It was a different kind of world in 1918. Woodrow Wilson was our 28th President. Postage stamps were two cents, a loaf of bread cost a dime and a gallon of gasoline was eight cents. An epidemic of Spanish flu ravaged the country, causing more than 500,000 deaths. Some of the popular songs were Over […]