May the peace of candlelight, The warmth of firelight, And the love of Christ Light your life this Christmas and in the year to come.
Buz and the Star
·Buz the Fox You see, it might have happened this way: once upon a time, about two thousand years ago, some foxes dwelt in the hill country and plains around Bethlehem. I hate to tell you this, but it was their custom to follow, at a discreet distance, the flocks of sheep that shepherds […]

·The older I get, the more I value peace, the kind of peace that calms worry thoughts. To me, Christmas brings that kind of peace along with a quiet feeling of joy. I like to imagine the first Christmas night with Mary and Joseph, tired and amazed and filled with awe, gazing at the baby […]

The First Christmas
·The Bible says simply, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). I like to imagine the principal people involved in how the Lord Jesus came to be born in a stable, […]

The Amazing Conclusion of Buz’s Story
·Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds paused and pointed to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of a stable in Bethlehem. They spoke and someone inside the stable answered. Then, the shepherds slowly stepped inside. Did Buz dare get closer to these […]

Buz, the Hill Country Fox, Conclusion
·This is the conclusion to Buz, the Hilly Country Fox. I hope you enjoy it and maybe read it to a youngster in your life. Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds would pause and point to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of […]