Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]
Sog and the Fly
·It Happened One Summer by Blanche Day Manos In my neck of the woods, everything gets ornery in the summertime. Critters, humans, even bugs are easy riled. There’s nothing like the heat of a white-orange sun blazing down from a copper-colored sky to make varmints out of the most lowly of pesky, everyday things, particularly […]

Eeriness, Weirdness, and Invisibility
·This is a strange tale of someone we’ll call Penelope Pennybroke. You may believe it or not, as you choose. Penelope, quiet, gray-haired woman of a certain number of years, was on her daily walk, minding her own business, keeping an eye out. She always did this–kept an eye out. One time she […]