Tell me a story. Even now, many years later ( I mean many years) I can remember following my mom around, asking her to tell me another story. I was too young to read, so how I can remember back that many decades, I don’t know, but I still remember the absolute joy of snuggling […]
Did You Hear Me?
Listening to someone can be the best gift you can give, and it doesn’t cost a dime, just a bit of your time. Recently, a friend suffered a traumatic event. As I listened, I realized she wanted and needed to talk about it. She told me how scared she felt and the strange feeling of unreality. […]
You Have Two, Too
I have two and you have two, too. Those appendages the Lord stuck on either side of your head known as ears are meant for listening. So, how do you use them? What do you listen for and what do you hear? Listening to each other is not as common as it once was, because […]

Tell Me a Story
Tell me a story. Even now, many years later ( I mean many years) I can remember following my mom around, asking her to tell me another story. I was too young to read, so how I can remember back that many decades, I don’t know, but I still remember the absolute joy of snuggling […]

Tell Me a Story
Most of us like to listen to a good story. Some of my earliest memories are of Dad’s stories about when he was young, and then, Mom’s stories which we put into a couple of Etta Bend books. Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment. Can’t you just see early day people gathered in round […]

The Wisdom of Listening
Our governor in Arkansas has declared this a day of prayer, of asking the Lord to protect us and to lift the plague of this world-wide virus. Prayer is a quiet thing, but it is the most powerful weapon we have. When we seemingly have no control, we turn to the One who has all […]