The sun shines on white, frosty roofs this morning. No matter the color of the shingles, they all look the same–cold! But, under the frigid rooftops, inside the house, I hope there is warmth and love and comfort. Just in case we have forgotten, this is Presidents’ Day, but it isn’t the birthday of […]

How Do I Say Thank You for Sacrifice?
·As I think about our country and our defenders of freedom, I think about those far-seeing, wise men who wrote our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and I know they were directed by a higher Power. They were directed by God and our country has been blessed by God. By the way, America was […]
Of Presidents and Trees
Presidents’ Day–no mail, banks closed in memory of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I wonder, today, how many will think of the contributions to our country these two men made? Or, to how many will it mean only banks closed, no mail? In time, how many will remember that George Washington was born on February […]