Last night I was treated to a light show that only nature could provide. A thunderstorm was in progress and, even if I hadn’t seen the warning on the computer, I would have had a pretty good idea that it was a doozy. Thunder crackled and boomed and rain splatted on the deck. It was […]

Lightning, Thunder, Hail
·Yesterday afternoon, we got a good, old-fashioned thunderstorm with rain! We even had a sprinkling of hail–not much, thank goodness. I’m so grateful and so are the grass and flowers. The roadside ditch where the children used to race their boats right after a rain, was a turbulent little stream. Trees were swaying, my little […]

Dry Thunderstorm
·Last night, we had another dry thunderstorm–the second one this month. According to what I’ve read, these are common in western states during late spring and early summer, but, for goodness sake! Arkansas is not west. I’d just as soon not have them. Caused by excessive heat and dry air, they present a lot of […]

Clouds Without Water
·Saturday night, we had a strange storm. The weatherman was telling of significant weather watches, and I could see clouds moving in. Then, along about dark, I heard thunder getting closer. And, closer. At last, it was booming right overhead. Lightning flashed followed by loud reports. I was sure we’d get rain. Guess what? Nary […]

·Thunder, lightning, pouring rain–not Nemo’s kind of weather, although I like it. My furry buddy likes smooth jazz. With smooth jazz playing and wearing his thunder shirt, he calmed down. I can only imagine what a storm seems like to him. He doesn’t understand it, just reacts to hearing the loud but unseen noise of […]
Something About That Mysterious Morning
·The day began in a strange and mysterious way. Before daylight, thunder and rain moved in. A dark, damp world greeted the morning. The house lay still and silent, listening, waiting, wondering. A distant train whistle rose and fell, a mournful, ghostly sound. Inside the house, someone stirred. The coffee pot clicked and purred. Soon, the fragrance of the early morning […]