Happy Labor Day! Wherever you are and whatever your plans, my hope is that you have a happy, safe day. If you are not in the Bahamas, be grateful for that, but, please, spare some thoughts, hopes, and prayers for the people there. They are going through devastation. I was watching a YouTube broadcast […]

A Thank You to Libraries
Libraries are wonderful things. I’ve written several times about the blessing of having free libraries in this country. When you think about it, it’s amazing that we have at our finger tips, access to any book on any topic and it doesn’t cost us a thing. Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American philanthropist, built 2,509 libraries between […]

Darcy, Flora, and Ned Go to Tahlequah
·Yesterday, Darcy, Flora, Ned and I went to an author’s fair at the Tahlequah Library. Rain pelted us on the way and the day was dark, but did that dampen our spirits? Of course not! Our hearts were light and sunny and that’s what mattered. The authors were put into the Carnegie Room, which […]

Those Big Dreams With Wheels
·If you happen to be in Springdale tomorrow at 2:00, pop into the Springdale Library. Nine other authors and I will be giving a reading. And later, we’ll have a question and answer session and you’ll have a chance to browse through many interesting books by about thirty-five authors and buy any that you choose. […]

Celebrating Books
Tahlequah’s newly renovated library always offers a bountiful array of books to choose from. It’s a busy place with many readers coming and going and yesterday’s book fair added a new flavor to the usual activities. The weather could not have been more perfect with blue skies and temperatures in the seventies. I had fun […]