In these fourteen years, I like to think I’ve taught Nemo a lot but I know for sure, that he has taught me more! Food is good. Enjoy it! But try to remember, it’s best to chew before swallowing. Relaxation is also good for mind and spirit and legs; be prepared to relax […]

Following Footprints
We all leave footprints as we journey through life. Some, thankfully, are lasting; some, thankfully, are not. Our footprints show the directions we’ve taken and the choices we’ve made, whether good or bad. My brothers and I often remark, “Dad said …” or “Mom told me…” My parents are gone now but their words and the […]
I Firmly Resolve
We’ve all heard, “Growing old is not for sissies.” Let me enlarge on that: “Writing is not for sissies.” Or, just about anything we want with our whole heart and have to work hard to get is not for the faint-hearted. We must have an inner core of firm resolve. Sort of like the avocado. […]
Little Cedar and the Big Storm
Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas again.” […]
From Nemo’s Mouth
Food is good. Enjoy it. Any time is a good time for a nap. If you don’t catch a squirrel today, there’s always tomorrow. A short walk restores the soul. Sniff everybody; if they smell Ok, they’re a friend. Things that can’t be avoided are best dealt with graciously. (No snapping or growling.) […]