Maybe I’ll find millions of dollars. Maybe the light will dawn in people’s lives and we’ll all get along with each other. Maybe the news coming from the television will be only good. And then, again…maybe not. This is the month of May and if you see a strange-looking but busy little insect this month, […]
Jul 14, 2021
An Eye on the Sky
·Will it or won’t it? Will it be wet or will it be dry? Be prepared with an eye on the sky. And if, by chance, we should have rain, The next day, it will rain again! Why? Well, because tomorrow is St. Swithin’s Day and that is an old, a very old legend. Who […]

Mar 23, 2019
The Body in the Cemetery
·It was a spring day when Darcy and Flora went to Goshen Cemetery. It was a little later than it is now–May, in fact. It would soon be time for the annual Decoration Day at the Cemetery and Flora, being on the Cemetery Board, wanted to make sure everything was in readiness. Birds sang, the […]