Children’s books hold a lot of wisdom, information, and joy. One of my favorites is Four Puppies, A Little Golden Book. The four puzzled puppies couldn’t understand the change of seasons and weather changes. But, the friendly squirrel in the hickory tree always set them straight. In the fall, “leaves as crisp as cornflakes” covered […]

A Carpet of Gold
·A carpet of gold stretches across my front lawn and the maple has lost its glory. The last few days, the wind has done its part in whisking leaves from trees and spreading them on the ground. The white mulberry hangs onto its leaves and they are mostly still green. It is a different sort […]
Beginning Again
·It looked to me like there could have been a light frost last night, at least, on the neighbor’s roofs. The cold front is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I just had a sobering thought. If the temperature really hits 28 degrees, will all these lovely, green leaves be killed and will the trees have to […]

What Happened?
·This morning, it’s thirty degrees! Can you believe it? Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were having summer? What happened? It’s a mystery. Seasons change so quickly–or, maybe I just don’t realize they are creeping up on me. Like the years. Then, I look around and, wow! How’d this happen? I actually lit my fireplace. […]
Thoughts and Sifting Through
Do you ever wake up with a thought or a song running through your head? I do, quite often. It’s nice when those thoughts are positive, not so nice when they aren’t. What are they related to? Why do we have them? I don’t know the answers, but I wish I did. Spring inspires […]

·Today, I’m reminded to be grateful for all the many friends I’ve met through the Manos Mystery books. And, I am. People–you, my family and friends, are what is important in this old world. Happy Thanksgiving from Darcy, Flora, Ned, and me!