The sign of fall ending that I watch for each year–the white mulberry tree is dropping its leaves. The white mulberry by my driveway keeps most of its leaves while maple and oak leaves are falling. Oh, it sheds a few here and there. But, suddenly, one day something tells it that now is the […]

White Flies and Ladybugs
The maple in front of my living room window is alive with activity–a breeze blows the orange and green leaves and two squirrels are busily looking for tidbits to munch on. I wish their diet included these tiny, white bugs that are falling out of the trees. I suppose they are a part of autumn […]
September Song
What is your favorite song of September? “Autumn Leaves”? “September in the Rain”? “September Song”? Do you find yourself humming or singing some of those tunes as the new month comes in? If this is your birth month, two lovely stones are yours: the sapphire and lapis lazuli. You can claim the bright aster and […]

What Does It Know?
What does my white mulberry tree know that no other tree knows? What is the secret that the wind whispers to it during the night? Only the tree knows; I don’t. But every year, and not at the same time each year, it drops all or almost all of its leaves on the ground. Oh, […]
The sun still hasn’t managed to tip the treetops. Somewhere in the east, it is slowly making its way to the horizon but it isn’t there yet. We’ve had our first really cold snap and what will the future hold, weather-wise? Hard to say. Don’t forget that tomorrow it’s time to fall back an hour! […]
Indian Summer
·Indian Summer by Blanche Day Manos First, a faint and smoky color creeps across the blue horizon, And the warmth of many campfires seems to hover in the air; Then the leaves turn brown like buckskin on the trees the night wind sighs in, While the lovely Indian summer passes softly as a prayer.