Hogging the Schoolhouse

The thermometer tells me it’s twenty degrees this morning and Lights of the Ozarks are on at the Fayetteville town square so really and truly, if Christmas is just around the corner, I might as well face it. Winter is here! We have snow in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. The children, at least, […]

An Indelible Picture

I remember so clearly how, where, and when I heard the news. If you are anywhere near my age, you remember too. I was doing my student teaching, as we called it in those days (now it is called internship) in the second grade room of Mrs. Masters at Sequoyah Elementary in Tahlequah. In fact, […]


There’s an old Sophie Tucker song, called, “There’ll Be Some Changes Made.” As I look out of my window on the world, I see a lot of the changes occurring this morning because the wind is blowing hard. Leaves are deserting the trees and flying through the air. They lie on the ground, a little […]

Armistice! Peace, At Last!

My parents always called November 11, 1918, “Armistice Day.” Later, it was changed to Veterans’ Day” but to Mom and Dad, it was “Armistice Day.” My mother told me how excited they all were at Etta Bend when they found out the Great War was over. They shouted. They cried. They laughed. Finally, the soldiers […]



The Old Tire Horse The old tire swing that resembles a horse Hangs under the back maple tree.  The children no longer climb onto his back And he looks a bit lonely to me. At one time my girl rode into the wind On make-believe trips through the town. She needed a boost to get […]

A Cozy Conversation

Yesterday was one of those “Put it in your pocket to be enjoyed all year” kind of days. Matt, Dawn, Sara, and Nathan and I had lunch seated around my mother’s hundred-year-old table. Then the children went off to play. We adults had a good conversation about things that are important to us, sort of […]