Each Labor Day, I mop my floors. Now, that is a strange compulsion, isn’t it? Although it sounds as if I mop my floors only once a year, I do mop them throughout the year too. And, the word compulsion is a little misleading because no one is forcing me to do this, so maybe […]
Two Prayers for Labor Day
·From the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 64, verses 5-6; 8-9: “You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways. You are indeed angry, for we have sinned–In these ways we continue; And we need to be saved. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and […]
Peculiar Celebration
·I celebrate Labor Day in a peculiar way. I mop my floors. Actually, I mop throughout the year, but I make a practice of doing that each Labor Day, in gratitude for having a floor to mop and the ability to mop it. When I was a youngster, Labor Day marked the end of summer, […]
Laboring Away
·A lovely Labor Day dawns in Arkansas. Wherever you are, I hope your day is lovely too. As we rest from our work, let’s be thankful for jobs, for the good health to do them, for families, for freedom, for so many things. You have your own personal list as I have mine. Each Labor […]
Celebrating Labor Day
·A question–why is a day we don’t have to work called Labor Day? Shouldn’t it be called Non-Labor Day or Fun Day or Put Your Feet Up and Read a Book Day? This Labor Day will be different for many because of the new regulations. Not so different for me. Each Labor Day, as an […]

Ready Or Not
·Happy Labor Day! Wherever you are and whatever your plans, my hope is that you have a happy, safe day. If you are not in the Bahamas, be grateful for that, but, please, spare some thoughts, hopes, and prayers for the people there. They are going through devastation. I was watching a YouTube broadcast […]