“God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can meet life with a smile And turn a happy face.” –from The Book of Irish Blessings, author unknown. A green mist seemed to shimmer in the sunlight that streamed through the window as I walked into my kindergarten classroom on […]

And Invisible Visitor
·This is a re-print of a St. Pat’s Day post I wrote a few years back. It’s still a good memory for me. I hope you enjoy reading about an exciting leprechaun tale of a good many years ago. “God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can […]

A Launching Pad
·Last night, my niece and I talked about teaching young children. She’s a teacher and so was I, for a good many years. Computers were just being introduced as learning tools about the time I retired. I’m glad I retired when I did. Many things can be learned through computers, but it is my firm […]

Top o’ the Mornin’, Leprechaun
This is a re-print of a St. Pat’s Day post I wrote a few years back. It’s still a good memory for me. I hope you enjoy reading about an exciting leprechaun tale of a good many years ago. “God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can meet […]