I set the boxes on the dining table and got the kitchen scissors from the drawer. Sitting down next to Chris, I proceeded to open the first box. Inside lay a small bundle wrapped in purple velvet and tied with a faded ribbon. I carefully unrolled it. “It’s a ring,” Chris said, as I held […]

Chapter Six–The Key
·Jeanette, the attendant behind the desk at Aunt Kezzie’s nursing home, smiled at Chris and me. “Miss Val! How are you? I miss seeing you, you were such a regular visitor to Miss Kezzie. I miss her too.” I introduced Chris and told Jeanette we were wondering if Aunt Kezzie talked to her much, perhaps […]

The Key–Chapter Five
Chris took a sip of coffee. “That’s good,” she said. “You make the best coffee, Val.” I smiled. “Thanks, but what do you make of it? Why on earth would my cousins do such a thing? It’s beyond me.” Chris lifted Miss Kitty onto her lap and frowned. “It’s a puzzle. Do you think these […]
The Key
·Remember the mysterious little key I found the other day? No one knows what it may have unlocked, more than a hundred years ago, but guess what? It unlocked another cozy mystery. However, as my Cozy Critiquers will tell you, it’s sometimes hard for me to get the beginning of a mystery just right. This […]

What Was That Sound?
·It had been so long since I’d heard it, I asked Nemo, What was that sound? He had no doubt at all. Thunder! Time for his Thunder Shirt. Last night, we got a long awaited quarter of an inch of rain. But, today, maybe we’ll get more? I can only hope. It’s amazing how quickly […]