You may have read this rhymed story before today, on a previous post, or, if you subscribed to Turtle Magazine in 1990, you may have read it in the August issue. This morning, I got up thinking of how joy is essential in a person’s life and, of course, if we feel well, it’s […]

Out With the Trash and Debris
Trash! It does accumulate, doesn’t it? Before we know it, we have caches of stuff that we don’t use any more, but we hold onto it with a feverish grip born of familiarity. Sometimes, we get so used to it we don’t even see it any more; it’s just part of the scenery. Yesterday, I […]

A Warm Morning Chat
A second cup of coffee, a warm, morning chat with friends–a good way to start the day. It’s cloudy, dampish, and chilly out and it’s hard to adjust to getting up a whole hour earlier. I wonder how many of us let Daylight Savings Time steal some of the joy from the morning? Sometimes, it […]

My Gifts to You at Christmas
“Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee,” (Acts 3:6). So saying, Peter and John, specially blessed by God, gave a lame man the gift of walking. I have no miraculous abilities, but I do have a heart of gratitude: of thankfulness to God for the gift of His […]

Devil’s Shoestring?
·Oh, no! Not on my back yard fence. This term must have been applied to the gorgeous orange plant by someone who hadn’t had his coffee one morning. Actually, I guess if the truth were known, it can be invasive, aggressive even. But it is also beautiful and I count myself blessed to have it […]
Simple Things
“Joys come from simple and natural things; mists over meadows, sunlight on leaves, the path of the moon over water.” […]