Happy New Year and a glad start to the year 2020. An old saying is that whatever you do today you’ll find yourself doing all year. If you were born in January, your lovely birthstone is a garnet. Beautiful color! Your flower is a carnation which smells as sweet as anything I’ve ever smelled. […]

A Memory of Yesterday
·As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]

No Icing on This Winter Day
·Yesterday, it rained, just a hint of ice in the rain. This morning, the temperature is above freezing. We still have a chance for snow tonight and tomorrow. Will it happen? Only The Shadow knows. (heh). For those of you who think the holidays have driven me a bit barmy, The Shadow was an old-time […]

A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Have you ever heard that old saying, “I’m just a day late and a dollar short?” Well, that’s me this morning. I slept right through the red blood moon and I missed last night’s State of the Union address by President Trump. I’m sure many of you saw both and you are to be congratulated! […]

Turning Back the Calendar 100 Years
·Tonight, we take down the calendar for 2016 and put up a new one, but wait a minute! What if, suddenly, the calendar went backward instead of forward, pages blown off by the winds of time, years and decades whisked away, technology, modern marvels, all today’s concerns disappearing in a flash and there we are, in […]