January can be a bleak month. It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. We’ve had a few days of comparative warmth and sunshine but now, a polar vortex is aimed squarely at us and is barrelling this way. Blah. Nemo and I are blessed with a […]

Ring Out, Wild Bells!
Ring Out, Wild Bells Alfred, Lord Tennyson Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone […]
Can you say 2024
Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone is one of my favorites–the garnet, a lovely, deep red stone. Your flower is the carnation. Carnations are used to celebrate many occasions and have a heady fragrance. You share this birth month with Paul Revere, […]

New Year, New Month, and You
·Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone is one of my favorites–the garnet, a lovely, deep red stone. Your flower is the carnation. Carnations are used to celebrate many occasions and have a heady fragrance. This is a month of beginnings, of looking […]

In An Icebox
·Brrr and double brrr. It’s a white world outside, just enough snow to cover things and a few lazy flakes still drifting down. Temperature? Well, it’s shivering somewhere around thirteen degrees and I feel like I’m in an icebox. The thermometer sank two degrees in about three minutes last night. However, the biting cold didn’t […]