My iPad weather predictor says, “Snow in 90 minutes.” Is it correct? The high today is forecast to be twenty-eight degrees, which is what it is right now. So, I imagine it’ll get colder as the day progresses. A perfect day for switching on the fireplace or lighting the logs, making sure the coffee pot […]

Introducing Worth Forgiving
I am pleased to introduce my guest blogger this morning. Janet K. Brown is a fellow Pen-L author of four books. Her latest, Worth Forgiving, makes it debut September 1. I read Worth Forgiving and found it to be immensely interesting. Riveting, I believe, best describes it because the book kept me turning pages to find […]

Weather Predictor Points to Grave Heritage
·I’m really excited this morning. My friend and fellow Pen-L author Janet K. Brown has used her blog post for my cover reveal for the soon-to-be-released fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, Grave Heritage. Click on this link and take a look. Janet has given it a beautiful treatment. You might want to stay a while at Janet’s […]

Exciting Interview!
·Some of my fondest memories are sitting at my parents’ kitchen table, drinking coffee and talking with them. Something about being in their presence, of a simple conversation, cheered me like nothing else. They were my re-fueling station. I wish I could remember each word that we said so I could re-play it in my mind, rather […]