Where would I have been without them? Dick and Jane, Baby Sally, Spot, Puff, Mother and Father–they people the paper back books of my first readers and I remember them fondly. They were good friends. “Oh, oh. See Spot. See Puff. Oh, oh.” Such simple little sentences, but leading on to other, bigger, greater things–the […]

Together Again and Going Strong
·For the first time since last fall, the Cozy Critters met at my house yesterday. We had had a couple of luncheon meetings at a restaurant, but it was great to be together again, the coffee hot and bracing, the cookies close at hand. As it turns out, it was a better day weather-wise than […]

Lunching with a Lively Group
Jane’s house looked beautiful, all decked out for Christmas. And, the friends who gathered there for her luncheon yesterday arrived in a jolly Christmas spirit. The food was great, conversation, lively. It was a perfect way to celebrate, lunching with a lively group of women. Peg and I arrived first, Anita came in after us, […]

Horses, Paintings, and Nashville
·Yesterday was that special time again–the Cozy Critters gathered for our critique! The paintings at the top are by Carolyn Bayley, who was commissioned to paint them and a few more. So, Carolyn is going to be very busy. She came bringing gifts that few people can give any more–farm-fresh eggs. Carolyn lives on a […]

And the Sky Turned Green
·Peg has been reading (she actually never stops) and I’m glad to say she enjoys cozy mysteries, maybe best of all. Is that right Peg? One of her favorites is Gone with the Wool by Betty Hechtman. Peg is eagerly awaiting a new release by Leann Sweeney, The Cat, The Collector, and the Killer. According to Amazon, its […]