The Fairy Forts of Ireland

  Our bus driver and guide on the trip around Ireland was Bill Mahoney. I wish Bill could have sat down with us and talked more in-depth about the many intriguing places we saw from our bus windows or stopped at to briefly explore. Bill was a walking encyclopedia of Ireland and knew so much […]

An Outstretched Hand

An Outstretched Hand

  Sometimes the world seems cold and harsh, but a caring person can put a warm glow on even the worst  situation. Because we are human, we don’t always make the wisest choices in life and those foolish choices can land us in a bad situation. From time to time, we are all in need […]

Cats and Rain and Mysteries

Cats and Rain and Mysteries

  A loud crash jarred me out of a warm slumber. Thunder! The sound of rain on the deck. Wonderful. Just when we need it so badly, grass was beginning to lose its vitality, leaves on trees and flowers were drooping. Thunder still echoes through the dark morning. Storms and rain hold a prominent place […]

Mist and Mystery

Mist and Mystery

   It’s an Ireland kind of morning.  A mist rises over rivers and lakes. The ground is damp with rain, the air is crisp and cool. Beneath the stillness and calm, mystery lurks. Always, mystery, reminding me of that distant, enchanting island nestled like a green emerald in the Irish Sea. One of the fascinating […]

A Swirling Mist of Irish Green

A Swirling Mist of Irish Green

    A visitor to Ireland returns home surrounded by a mist of Irish green from Ireland, that mystical island across the Atlantic forever within her heart–a fabled land where ancient towers still keep watch on the countryside. I close my eyes and see swans floating on the River Shannon surrounding King John’s Castle. Swans […]

A Wild, Completely Imaginary St. Pat’s Story

A Wild, Completely Imaginary St. Pat’s Story

  Warning: Best read with tongue in cheek. An Amazing Leprechaun Story  Some of you may remember that four and a half years ago, I made a trip to Ireland. It was the fulfillment of a lifetime dream. Ireland is a mystical country and, when the mist lies low on the hills and the shamrocks […]