I closed my eyes. Surely, this was a nightmare. But, when I looked again, the chest and the skeleton were still there, a few feet in front of me. The room was taller than the tunnel. I could stand upright. And, it wasn’t as dark as the tunnel. The sound of the sea was deafening […]

A Cobwebby Tunnel
·A damp, dank odor wafted out. I stared at the opening; I’m sure my mouth hung open as I tried to take in what had happened. A tunnel? In my snug little home? Why? Hesitantly, I stepped closer and shone the flashlight’s beam into the dark, cobwebby space. I could see no end to it, […]

The Darkness Below
Stunned, I stared at the mantel. It jutted into the room, leaving a dark space where it had sat atop the fireplace. I pushed up from the floor and peered into this cavity. What in the world was going on? Why was there a lever inside the firebox and why have that attached to the […]

As the Storm Raged
Could this be the entrance to a cave or just something worn by the force of the water through the centuries? There was only one way to find out and that was to go down this impossibly steep cliff and peer inside. However, even a mountain goat would have a problem doing that and if […]

What Happened?
This is entirely a flight of fancy–none of it really happened. But, if it had, what do you think would have happened next? Can you end this story? I scooted away from the computer, stretched, and gazed out my window. The Irish Sea pounded against the rocky shore line, far below me. Gulls wheeled and […]

Just That Sort of Morning
·It’s an Ireland kind of morning. Cool and damp. Only, our dampness is due to a thunderstorm in the wee, small hours this morning. I never experienced a thunderstorm in Ireland, but then, I was there for only a week. It is, however, cool and damp there much of the time. Another difference is that […]