Can you guess what this is? My brother Tracy Day sent me this interesting photo a few years ago. At a glance it looks as if the tree may be the first of its kind to sprout a golf ball. Can you imagine the run on nurseries, with golfers wanting to plant a whole orchard […]
May 26, 2021
Not an Oak, But a Golf
Filed Under: Mysteries · Tagged: ball, cozies, golf, interesting, Manos, mysteries, situations, trees

Feb 3, 2018
Are There Explanations for These Strange Mysteries?
By Blanche Manos · 2 Comments
Life has many mysteries as puzzling as fictional ones, happenings that have never been explained. These intrigue me. Amelia Earhart’s disappearance is one of those mysteries. I read a news story that may explain what happened to this daring pilot. And then again, it may not. In 1937, she was attempting to fly around the globe with […]