Independence Day is coming up, when we celebrate our freedom. But, what is freedom? We can’t see it; we see only the results of it. We can’t hold it in our hands yet it is bought at a great price. It seems that so many things that are vital to life and happiness are invisible […]
Can You Live Without It?
·Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority? From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]

Plain Thoughts on Freedom
·…from a plain American woman. I’m not sophisticated or brilliant or particularly discerning. But I do love this country of my forefathers. It is my country too and I would not want to live anywhere else. My thoughts are meandering here and there; so, I’ll just jot them down in no particular order. Tonight when […]

Let Freedom Ring
Not only today but every day, let’s celebrate the freedom we have in this country! What a beautiful country I live in! I love our freedom, the patriots of old and the patriots of new. I am grateful for their sacrifice and for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. It is a privilege to live […]