I don’t believe in fairies. Of course, I don’t. They show up only in children’s stories of years ago, those magical little folk who can nip through the air, appearing and disappearing as they wish. And yet, when I see mushrooms that have popped up in my grass overnight, I wonder just what, exactly, goes […]
An Amazing Story
This isn’t St. Patrick’s Day, but, oh well…the world is pretty and green this morning, so here’s a stretch to the imagination. One soft and misty morning, on a day so fine and rare, My heart felt light as birdsong, without one single care, As I strode through the heather into a forest tall, I […]
What’s In the Canebreak?
Canebreak ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebreak by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]
Fred and the New House
Fred the cat was happy in the tumbledown, comfortable house he shared with Jake. He liked the soft feel of the worn floor and the way that floor squeaked when Jake shuffled across it. He liked the sag in the ceiling and the way the light swayed and shadows danced when the wind blew hard […]

The Leprechaun’s Gold
·One soft and misty morning, on a day so fine and rare, My heart felt light as birdsong, without one single care. As I strode through the heather into a forest tall, I heard somebody singing in a voice exceeding small. Now, who is that, I wondered, as I looked all around, And tiptoed toward […]

Goldy on the Job
·She had been following that tell-tale trail all morning and was determined she’d find the bandit. All those over-turned garbage cans, clothes stolen off clotheslines, food swiped from picnic baskets when no one was looking–it had to stop. Looking down at the ground, she saw a partial footprint. Her hair stood on end. That footprint […]