
Do you ever wake in the darkness before dawn and lie in bed, just thinking? It’s in those moments that thoughts, both good and bad, come creeping. Things that we suppress during the day find this is a good time to keep us awake. Maybe it’s then that we are at our creative best. Francis […]

Classics and Antiques

Some things grow more valuable with age. Take cars, for instance. Those old models, fifty or more years old, aren’t they lovely? If they’ve been well cared for, they still purr down the highway, classic lines gleaming in the sunshine. And gems! I prefer antique jewelry that has been well-loved through the years. Gold never […]

A Merry Heart

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22). When I was young, I had the idea that I’d grow to be a plump, merry old lady, liked by all and liking everyone. But, with advancing years, I find the “plump” part is easy but as for being merry? Sometimes I have to work […]

A Really Odd Idea

The world is sort of seething with restless, unhappy people. Our country seems among the most restless as people are being told they may have been taken advantage of and should see themselves as victims. Other people are afraid that perhaps they are guilty for wrong thoughts and attitudes, although they’ve never been aware that […]

How Much Were You Given?

I’ve been thinking, lately, about the phrase, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” This isn’t an exact quotation from the Book of Luke, but it’s the meaning. And then, I’ve been noticing people in the news who have been given much, and how they’ve used this gift. I’ve been disappointed that those […]

With Pen in Hand

With Pen in Hand

What would life be if I weren’t able to write about it? So many things to see and think about, so many conflicting emotions in one day’s time, lots of beauty, comments from others, questions about why people or things are as they are–I’d probably be like a boiling pot–I’d spill right over the edge, […]