I woke up this morning and sprang from my bed, with thoughts of a busy day rife in my head. Now on with the coffee pot, on with my blog; fill the bird feeders and also the dog. Quick, to the kitchen I go in a hurry; from counter to stove top I scoot and […]

Just Wondering Why…
·Just Wondering Why… … if I believe the Bible, sometimes I don’t act as if I do? … I get a sinking sensation when the plumber’s first words are, “Oh, wow!” …. the full-length store mirror distorts my reflection into a pudgy, frumpy person I don’t even know. …I remember things I’d like to forget […]
Fred and the New House
Fred the cat was happy in the tumbledown, comfortable house he shared with Jake. He liked the soft feel of the worn floor and the way that floor squeaked when Jake shuffled across it. He liked the sag in the ceiling and the way the light swayed and shadows danced when the wind blew hard […]
Living in the Moment, But Whose Moment?
A friend of mine wrote an inspirational article about living in the moment – being aware of what is going on around me, not living in the past or borrowing from the future. Scripture tells us that “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” In other words, Keep your mind on what you […]

Deleted, Due to Overcrowding
Just think of it–when a person reaches my age, what a large amount of experiences and wisdom she has gained! Each marvelous bit finds a little nook or cranny in the brain and lodges there. Imagine this: a bookshelf over-flowing with knowledge, wisdom, trivia, know-how. Fairly boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I’d like to share this plethora […]