A Writer’s Resolutions

This list of resolutions is copied from a blog post of a few years back. I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is […]

Life’s Mysteries

Life’s Mysteries

I’ve noticed something in the last few years. In fact, I’ve noticed several things for which I have no answers. Why, for example, is the print on any kind of label so small? It would take a magnifying glass to read it. Or, maybe it was written for little, tiny elves, with little, squinchy eyes?  […]

The Prayer of Cyrus Brown

The Prayer of Cyrus Brown

  “The proper way for a man to pray,”     Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes, “And the only proper attitude     Is down upon his knees.” “No, I should say the way to pray,”     Said Rev. Doctor Wise, “Is standing straight with outstretched arms     And rapt and upturned eyes.” “Oh, no; no, no,” said Elder Slow,     “Such posture […]

A Weird Little Rhyme

A Weird Little Rhyme

Something weird is in the air. It’s in my nose and ears and hair. Last night, I read a lot of Poe, and now, I can’t talk right no mo’. The things I say come out in rhyme; not just once, but all the time. The sun is bright, bright as can be; the whole […]

And Invisible Visitor

And Invisible Visitor

  This is a re-print of a St. Pat’s Day post I wrote a few years back. It’s still a good memory for me. I hope you enjoy reading about an exciting leprechaun tale of a good many years ago. “God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can […]

With Fear and Trembling

With Fear and Trembling

  This is from a couple of years back. I’m not sure why I dread going to see a dentist. Maybe it’s all the mysterious, sharp-pointed tools that conjure up thoughts of medieval torture chambers. Maybe it’s a fear of the unknown. Maybe it’s a fear of the known. But, one thing is certain–I’m always […]